Frequently Asked Questions

Why conservative fiction?

[from Jamie] I started looking into conservative fiction in 2008, after yet again throwing a book against the wall when it inserted contemporary politics where it did not belong. Feminism in 1066 is jarringly anachronistic. Some young co-eds – even men – prefer a chaste lifestyle to a bacchanalian haze. And not every soldier in combat is conflicted about his nation’s morality. 

I was tired of every single book I read taking points of view that were repugnant to me. But I could not possibly give up reading. And as I started looking around, I found several, then dozens, then thousands of readers and writers who felt just like me.

And probably just like you, if you are here at this website. 

We conservatives and conservatarians and right-leaning libertarians deserve to have our voices heard – and we deserve to be able to read books that reflect our morality and worldviews. But beyond that, we tend to seek out truth in our fiction, true reflections of the world as it is and as it has been in the past. The mainstream publishing world seems to have largely lost interest in this, preferring to shape its own reality and force it upon the world. 

Conservatarian Press wants to publish stories that reflect actual reality and contain truth; stories that describe life experience from a conservative or libertarian perspective, not just an eternally (and boringly) woke one; stories that talk about true heroes and real evil, and that show good can indeed defeat evil just as light can extinguish the dark. 

That’s why.

Do my stories have to be conservative for you to publish them?

No. However, they do need to be stories that would be difficult to publish in the mainstream industry. For example, a story that treats fracking or oil pipelines in a positive light, focusing on how these things make the world better – with villains that want to keep those good things away from the public – would be welcome. Ditto a story that deals with the negative consequences of a young woman who has an abortion, or a young man who decides he is a woman but then figures out he’s wrong after irrevocable changes have been made to his body. 

There have been too many postapocalyptic novels about the flooded post-warming Earth, and not enough Heinleinian space exploration stories. Too many stories about sex-positive feminism, and not enough about the joys of a stable, committed, loving marriage. Give me a well-written story about how a strong drill sergeant turns a delinquent boy into a young Marine, and I will want to publish it. 

Yes, some stories like these have found homes. But fewer and fewer are welcome in the mainstream publishing world. Let’s show the world that there is a vast market, a hunger, for these stories. And for heaven’s sake, let’s give our kids something worth reading, too.

What do you charge?

Zip. Nothing. Nada. We believe money should flow TO the writer, not FROM the writer. We provide specialized editing, a cover just right for your book, all the standard stuff like ISBNs, formatting, electronic distribution, print-on-demand arrangements, and customized marketing. You receive 40% or more  of our sales receipts. And you are free to end our contract after five years if things don’t work out.